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~Our Salad Bar~

Welcome to our Salad Bar!
You will quickly see our salads are not like any others you've had. Here we build our salads around our PCOS needs of course, combining specific food groups that fuel our bodies just the way we need.

Order our salad package or simply build your own 

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PCOS Salads


Salad 1 - Gourmet lettuce mix, chick pea, tuna paste, avocado slices, tomatoes, Sweet Peppers,Onions, dressed with seasoned olive oil vinaigrette and house special garlic sauce salad dressing.


Salad 2 -  Gourmet kale and lettuce mix, chick pea  and black bean, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, pineapple, topped with chia seed vinaigrette and house special garlic salad dressing


Salad 3 -  Gourmet lettuce mix, crusted sweet potatoes, guacamole, chilli fish, tomatoes, avocado slices,  apples, topped with cranberry vinaigrette.


Salad 4 - Baby spinach and lettuce mix, beet cubes, guacamole, pineapple, onions, sweet peppers, granola, topped with seasoned olive oil vinaigrette


Salad 5 - Gourmet lettuce mix, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs, avocado slices, sweet peppers, tomatoes, topped with house special garlic salad dressing 

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